Video Advertising in Albuquerque, NM

Video ads are undeniably the best way to get noticed and drive traffic to your website. Rocky Mountain Media Services of Albuquerque highly recommends including video advertising in all our clients’ digital marketing plans. If you aren’t currently using video ads you are quite frankly behind the curve.

Potential customers are more likely to visit your website after watching a video on YouTube or other social media channels than they are any other type of content. The more video content you create, the more quality traffic you can draw to your pages, which will, in turn, boost your overall SEO in the long run.

We recommend using Teaser Video Ads on your social posts to kick start your business. These ads are “short & sweet” (usually 8-15 seconds) and are designed to capture your customers’ attention. Your ad should link back to your website or landing page to better explain your products & services.

Until recently, video production was cost prohibitive for most small businesses. RMMS of Albuquerque now offers a video advertising platform that is not only efficient and effective, but will also fit your budget.

We customize your video ad
to your specifications

Example Video Marketing


video advertising

One & Done



  • Video Presonalization
  • Provided by our video editing team

  • 2-3 Day
  • Turnaround Time

  • Premium
  • Stock Photos & Video Clips

  • Premium
  • Royalty Free Music

Social Media Plan


No Contract. Cancel Anytime

  • 4 (Four)
  • Facebook / Instagram Ads per month

  • Video Personalization
  • Provided by our video editing team

  • Premium
  • Stock Photos & Video Clips

  • Premium
  • Royalty Free Music


Why do I need video ads?

If you need a single reason why it makes sense to include video content for your brand, let it be this one: Search Engine Optimization. Not only is SEO the very foundation of your entire online marketing presence, but it’s also proven to have a direct impact on your bottom line by increasing engagement, conversions, and revenue. SEO is absolutely impacted by video collateral.

Why is video important on social media?

Video allows you to capture viewers' interest in the first few seconds. Social media success lies in your ability to condense information down into easily digestible snippets of content that is long enough to maintain viewers' attention but short enough to leave them wanting more.
Social media is continually changing the way that we communicate and consume information. The most successful content marketers are delivering content consistently through multiple social media channels. It comes as no surprise that with all the content that is posted across these channels, that visual content is more than 40 times more likely to get shared than all-text content. Video is no exception.


1Grab Attention
Video is a fantastic tool to”hook” your audience. Unlike a long-winded paragraph, it is extremely easy to consume. Video allows you to be concise and capture viewers’ interest in the first few seconds. Your social media success lies in your ability to condense information down into easily digestible snippets of content that is long enough to maintain viewers’ attention but short enough to leave them wanting more.
2Drive Conversions
No matter which social medium you are posting through, you should always have a goal for your video. This typically involves user action, whether you’re driving traffic to your site, purchasing a product or sharing your video. Your call to action is your virtual handshake with your viewers. If they’ve watched a video all the way through, they have demonstrated interest. You then need to direct them to take the desired action, something as simple as “to find out more visit here” may be all that is necessary. It’s one thing to have compelling content, but it’s vital to sweat your assets and drive conversions.
3Increase Brand Exposure
If a picture speaks 1000 words, imagine what a video is worth. “Short & Sweet” videos can have a sudden and long lasting effect on viewers. Use videos consistently to keep your brand at top of the mind awareness.
4Video ads convert sales.
The biggest names in online marketplaces, including Amazon and eBay, report that adding a video ad to a product description increases the chances of a shopper buying that item by up to 35%.
5People share video.
Those who view a video ad and find it interesting or valuable will share it with their followers on social media. In fact, more than 700 videos are shared by Twitter users every minute. This phenomenon can increase your video’s exposure exponentially.
6Video ads do well among mobile users.
The number of people watching videos on mobile devices continues its upward climb. One interesting statistic for companies distributing video is that 88% of short pieces, around 30 seconds or less, are watched through to the end on mobile.
7Search engines love video.
Search engines put a priority on video content when making tweaks to the algorithms that rank some sites higher than others. Distributing videos via social media, posting them on blogs and embedding them on your website increases the likelihood that your target audience will find you when searching for relevant information.
8Video tells your story.
The emotional impact of video ads is significant. You make a more solid personal relationship when you’re storytelling through sight and sound, connecting a viewer’s emotions to your product or service.
9Analytics tell the story.
The primary video sites, including Facebook and YouTube, include features that enable you to see how your content performs. Knowing the views, shares, likes and social interactions can help you plan future campaigns, which makes your content more effective at reaching your target audience.
Your competition is already there. Don’t stay behind the curve. Use this cost effective tool to help your brand “Stand Out” from your competitors.

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